Table of Contents
- What is Match XP?
- Can I earn Match XP in Custom Games?
- Can I earn Match XP in Customs Browser sessions?
- Are all Custom Games eligible for Match XP?
- How do I know if a match is eligible for Match XP?
- How do I earn Match XP in Custom Games? And how much can I earn?
- Can I earn XP from joining in-progress Custom Games?
- Is there a limit on how much Match XP I can earn in Custom Games?
What is Match XP?
Match XP is one of the progression systems used to complete seasonal Battle Passes and Operation Passes in Halo Infinite. Players earn Match XP for completing a matchmaking session and for specific accomplishments in that match, such as being on the winning team or being the match’s most valuable player.
The Match XP progression system does not include the Challenge system. Challenges can only be progressed and completed in Halo Infinite matchmaking. Additionally, Match XP does not progress a player’s Career Rank. Career Rank is progressed via Personal Score or Applied Score earned in matchmaking sessions.
Can I earn Match XP in Custom Games?
With the release of Halo Infinite Season 5: Reckoning, players can now earn Match XP by completing Custom Game sessions. Custom Games only provide Match XP for completing a match and not for accomplishments within the match.
Can I earn Match XP in Customs Browser sessions?
Yes, Match XP can be earned via Custom Game sessions listed in the Customs Browser menu. To learn more about the Customs Browser, visit our Halo Infinite Custom Game Browser (CGB) Overview article.
Are all Custom Games eligible for Match XP?
There are three eligibility requirements for Match XP in Custom Games:
- Players must be in the Custom Game match for at least 3 full minutes. Completing a Custom Game with less than 3 minutes spent in the match will not award Match XP.
- There must be at least 2 players in the Custom Game session for its entire duration. Custom Games that start with less than 2 players or sessions that drop below 2 active players will not be eligible for Match XP.
- Players must complete the Custom Game session with a positive Personal Score. Players who leave before the match is complete or who complete the match with a negative Personal Score will not receive Match XP. This requirement is on a per-player basis, so players who meet this requirement will not be affected by other players leaving early or having a negative Personal Score.
How do I know if a match is eligible for Match XP?
When starting a Custom Game in Halo Infinite, the session’s Match XP eligibility will be listed underneath the mode settings.
When creating a Custom Game, the session’s Match XP eligibility is listed beneath the mode’s details.
When joining a Custom Game in Halo Infinite, the session’s Match XP eligibility will be listed below the map’s description in the Details menu.
How do I earn Match XP in Custom Games? And how much can I earn?
Match XP is awarded at the end of an eligible Custom Game. Once a Custom Game is completed, a Match Rewards menu will appear prior to the Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) to show how much Match XP was awarded.
Players will receive 10 XP per full minute spent in the Custom Game. For example, a player who spent 4 minutes in an eligible Custom Game will receive 40 XP, but a player who spent 3 minutes and 45 seconds in a match will receive 30 XP.
Each match is limited to 120 XP, meaning sessions lasting longer than 12 minutes will not award additional XP. Additionally, there is a limit of 7500 XP from Custom Game sessions per day.
Can I earn XP from joining in-progress Custom Games?
If the match meets the Match XP eligibility requirements, players will earn Match XP from joining and completing in-progress Custom Games. The amount of XP earned from joining in-progress Custom Games will align with the amount of time you spent in the match, not the total duration of the full Custom Game.
Is there a limit on how much Match XP I can earn in Custom Games?
Each Custom Game session is limited to 120 XP, meaning sessions lasting longer than 12 minutes will not award additional XP. Additionally, there is a limit of 7500 XP from Custom Game