Many platforms automatically update games. To manually update or verify your game is up-to-date, follow the steps below:
Microsoft Store on PC
- Close Halo Infinite if it is open
- Open the Microsoft Store app
- Type Microsoft Store into the Windows search bar to find it
- Log in with the Microsoft Account that purchased Halo Infinite
- To sign out or check what account has automatically signed in, select the profile icon
- Select Library
- Scroll down to Halo Infinite
- Programs with updates available are listed in the Library first
- Select Update
- Your update will then download and install
If Halo Infinite does not show Update available when it should, select Get updates to refresh the view.
If these instructions do not match your view, you may need to update to the latest version of the Microsoft Store.
If you experience problems updating Halo Infinite, please contact Microsoft Support.
Xbox app on PC
If you try to play Halo and there is an update, you should get a prompt when you try to launch the game. To update without launching the game:
- Close Halo Infinite if it is open
- Open Xbox
- Type Xbox into the Windows search bar to find it
- Log in with the Gamertag that purchased Halo Infinite
- To sign out or check what account has automatically signed in, select the profile icon
- Select the Library icon
- Select Manage installs
- Update Halo Infinite
- In this view players can also turn Automatic updates off or on, pause and resume updates
If you experience problems updating Halo Infinite, please contact Xbox Support.
Steam on PC
If you try to play Halo and there is an update, you should get a prompt when you try to launch the game. To update without launching the game:
- Close Halo Infinite if it is open
- Open Steam
- Type Steam into the Windows search bar to find it
- Log in with the Steam account that purchased Halo Infinite
- To sign out, select profile name and select Log out of account
- Select Library
- Scroll down to Halo Infinite
- Alternatively, enter Halo Infinite into the search bar
- Right-click on Halo Infinite
- Select Update
- If you do not see the Update option, Halo Infinite is up-to-date.
If you experience problems updating Halo Infinite, please contact Steam Support.
Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S Consoles
If you try to play Halo and there is an update, you should get a prompt when you try to launch the game. To update without launching the game:
- Close Halo Infinite if it is open
- Select My games & apps
- Select Manage updates
- Select Updates
- Select Halo Infinite and confirm you would like to update
- Go back to the Manage updates
- Updating progress will show on this screen. Select Queue for more information, suspend a game if it is running, to pause, resume of cancel updates
- Suspending or closing an active game can speed up downloads
If you experience problems updating Halo Infinite, please contact Xbox Support.
How to turn on automatic updates on Xbox console
Automatic updates can be turned on in System updates:
- Press the Xbox button
- Use RB to select Profile and system (user icon)
- Select Settings
- Select System
- Select Updates
- Select Keep my games & apps up-to-date