Updated: July 30, 2024 - Version
If your issue is not covered by this article, please check Halo Infinite Multiplayer Known Issues. That article includes global issues that may impact Forge and issues with playing Forge content in Custom Games.
Edit mode and creation tools
- The Forerunner Door Inquisitor MP object is currently unavailable in Forge. The Forerunner Door Inquisitor MP object will not appear in any Forge map where it was placed prior to the Banished Honor update.
- The "Spawn with a Power Seed" option for Power Seed Socket objects is currently unavailable in Forge.
- Some flora objects placed on a Forge map prior to the Banished Honor update may not be visible in gameplay.
- Workaround: After installing the Banished Honor update, any copies of the object placed on the map will be visible.
- When using the Deactivate Shrinking Zone node, the Shrinking Zone stops and no longer does damage to players but the Zone boundary remains visible.
- The Snapped Log A, B, C, and D objects appear as solid black models.
- When its Object Mode setting is set Dynamic, the Broken Stump A object's Physics dropdown does not list an option for Normal physics.
- When two or more Script Brains approach their max node capacity and a caution symbol appears in its Budget meter, all scripts on that map will not function as expected.
- When a player joins an in-progress Forge session where two objects have been welded together, the joining player will not see the two objects as welded and may experience "rubberbanding" or jittery movement when moving near the objects.
- When the Ivy Patch L Wide object is set to the Dynamic object mode, changing its Physics Type setting results in the object's leaves disappearing.
- Equipping Escharum with a non-default weapon may cause the AI to become unable to attack.
- If a Prefab with a Script Brain is created then an additional instance of that prefab is placed onto the map via the Object Browser menu, the nodes within the Script Brain will become attached to the map file. When this issue occurs, the nodes attached to the map file cannot be removed and a new map file must be created.
- Workaround: create Prefabs with a Script Brain on a blank map file then add the completed Prefab to the intended map file.
- The difficulty option for AI enemies in Forge-made maps lists the Bot levels ranging from Recruit to Spartan. In a future Halo Infinite update, this option will be updated to reflect the Easy to Legendary difficulty range used in Halo campaigns.
- The Weapon Trunk object cannot be placed directly on the ground or on top of another object when its Physics option is set to Fixed in the Object Properties panel.
- Several Primitive and Structure objects appear as expected when previewed, but their X, Y, and Z dimensions are increased by .02 when placed.
The Reactive Water Plane only responds to players and vehicles as they make contact with the water's surface. Players and vehicles that are submerged in the Reactive Water Plane will not appear to splash as they continue moving through the plane.
- The Reactive Water Plane's reactivity will be improved in a future update for Halo Infinite. Stay tuned to @HaloSupport on Twitter for the latest news on game updates.
- Some objects on the map Recharge may appear completely white when modifying the map in Forge mode. The affected items will appear with their intended textures in multiplayer gameplay.
- If players access the Object Browser in Forge and open the Rubble section under Accents, the game may crash when navigating the menu using the W and S keys.
- On Xbox One and PC with lower graphic settings enabled, when players enter a new Forge map, friendly and enemy character models will disappear at further distances.
- Unexpectedly ending a Forge session will not trigger an autosave and all unsaved progress will be lost. Examples of unexpected conditions include game crashes, server crashes, losing connection to Halo services or the Xbox network, or the loss of power to the PC/console.
File and map publishing
- After successfully publishing a Forge map or mode via the file's Version History menu, the Publish button does not update to an Unpublish button.
- A future Halo Infinite update will restore the Unpublish button in the Version History menu. While this issue is active, players who want to unpublish an affected file must create a copy of the published file then delete the published version.
- After publishing a Forge file, the file's Details menu may not immediately reflect that it is published and instead show it as a Private file.
- Workaround: return to the My Files menu then re-enter the affected file's Detail menu. The file should now show that it is published.
- When viewing a published Forge file on Xbox, the file owner's Gamertag is not visible in the Overview or Credits tab of the Details menu. Selecting the Owner's Profile button will correctly some of the owner's information, but their Gamertag and customized Spartan are not visible.
- New - The Forge scripting nodes listed within the UI Nav Marker category appear in English when playing Halo Infinite with the Visual Language setting set to German.
- When the current Owner of a Forge file updates another collaborator's role to Owner/Admin, their own role may not immediately update to show they are no longer an Owner.
- Workaround: To update the collaborators' listed roles, leave the file's Details menu or restart Halo Infinite.
- When reporting a mode created in Forge, the new reporting categories may not appear.